COMING SOON. We have recently launched our NEW website and additional NEW content will be added for this program soon. Check out what is here now and check back for more information soon.
Already have an Associate’s degree in a trade or technical area? Want to pursue a bachelor’s degree that complements and incorporates your prior college work? Then our Bachelor of Applied Science degree is specially designed with you in mind. Our BAS builds on degree work you’ve already completed and complements it with a Liberal Arts education so you can attain your bachelor’s degree in the shortest amount of time possible.
Program Highlights
Climb that Ladder
Our job is to help you move to the next level of your chosen career. Our Bachelor of Applied Science is how we get you there.
Keeping You on Track
We work closely with you to ensure you’re able to blend the college work you’ve already done with the subject area you want to focus on now.
Unique UMPI Benefits
UMPI has special opportunities in the state and beyond.
Experience Counts
If you have skills you’ve already developed, you may be able to earn college credit for it through our Prior Learning Assessment process.
Take 365
Days that is. We’ll find the best way to build on the degree work you’ve already completed so you can get your BAS with us in one year.
Student Organization
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EXPECT generous scholarships
EXPECT an education tailored to your needs

The Four Components to the Degree
You need to:
- Have an Associate of Applied Science degree from an accredited community or technical college.
- Meet the University general education requirements worth 44 credits, some of which may be transferred in from his/her associate’s work.
- Select a minor from offerings in the current UMPI catalogue.
- Take at least 30 credits of your BAS coursework at UMPI, 12 of which must be in a selected minor and 18 of which must be upper level courses (300- 400). These 18 upper level credits taken at UMPI may be taken as part of the GEC, the minor, or as elective credit.
All candidates for the bachelor’s degree must complete the General Education Curriculum.

Jason C Johnston
- Location
- 315 South Hall
- Phone
- (207) 768-9652

EXPECT to Finish in Four
Applied Science Program Offerings
Next Step: Admissions
We’re so excited that you’re considering the University of Maine at Presque Isle! As a student at UMPI, we want your experience to be anything but ordinary! So what makes UMPI extraordinary? Our Learning Environment, Our Student Engagement and Our Location!
No matter what stage of life you are in, we can help you take the plunge into higher education and put you on YOUR PATH TO SUCCESS!