Welcome to the Psychology program at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, where our dedicated faculty provides personalized attention and support in a dynamic learning environment. With a comprehensive curriculum and opportunities for experiential learning, Psychology students are prepared for a wide range of careers in psychology and beyond. Our small class sizes and interactive teaching methods foster a culture of respect, broad perspectives, and social responsibility, empowering students to make meaningful contributions to their communities. Join us at UMPI and embark on a transformative journey in understanding behavior and its underlying mental processes while gaining the skills and knowledge to succeed in your future endeavors in the field of psychology.
Program Highlights
Flexible degree options
Our Psychology students have multiple pathways to take the courses that they need, from in-person to online to hybrid options.
Grad school preparation
Our program provides the breadth of knowledge, research opportunities, and skill development needed to ensure that our students are grad school ready.
Professors who care
At UMPI, we know how complex college can be, so we work hard not only to shape your learning to your specific needs, but also to provide the support you need to realize your potential.
Research opportunities
Our students get hands-on experience in designing and implementing research activities side by side with faculty, helping to solve real-world problems.

EXPECT generous scholarships
Flexible degree options
Students enrolled in the traditional undergraduate program can take courses in-person, online, or a combination of the two. All of our courses are taught by dedicated faculty who are experts in the field of Psychology and committed to maximizing student learning and success. All of our courses are offered at least once a year with roughly half of them alternating between in-person and online offerings. While the competency-based YourPace program is only offered online, all of the courses that students need to complete their degree are offered during every session.

Grad school preparation
Breadth of Knowledge Through Academic Coursework: Students take courses in psychology that cover key areas such as abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, psychobiology, social psychology, and research methods, providing a solid academic background essential for success in graduate studies.
Research Opportunities: Students can work closely with faculty on research projects, helping them to develop critical thinking skills, understand research methodology, and potentially contribute to academic publications.
Internships and Field Experience: Students can engage in internships or fieldwork placements in schools, counseling centers, or social service agencies, providing hands-on exposure to the field of psychology and helping students develop practical skills and professional networks.
Support for Graduate School Applications: Faculty members provide support for students navigating the graduate school application process, including guidance on selecting programs, preparing application materials (such as personal statements and letters of recommendation), and preparing for interviews.
EXPECT an education tailored to your needs

Professors who care
At UMPI, faculty take pride in being accessible and approachable. Faculty hold regular office hours, respond to student inquiries, and are open to scheduling appointments outside of office hours if needed. Faculty take the time to get to know students individually to show care and support. Our faculty recognize that students demonstrate proficiency in various ways and we offer constructive feedback in a supportive manner. Our faculty works towards fostering respectful dialogue, creating opportunities for collaboration, showing appreciation for diverse perspectives and celebrating student achievements within and outside the classroom.

Research opportunities
The Psychology program at UMPI is committed to providing research opportunities and experiences for interested students. Students play important roles in the research process and can gain invaluable experience in designing and conducting both quantitative and qualitative research. Students are also encouraged to participate in data analysis and may be co-authors on presentations at professional conferences and/or scientific publications that result from the research experiences. Faculty currently conduct research in a variety of areas including: behavioral economics, clinical psychology, and sex and gender.

Field experiences
Students have the opportunity to engage in a practicum where they can gain applied experience and learn clinical skills. Currently students are completing their Practicum at a local school where they are working with children with developmental and behavioral disabilities. Using a behavior analytic framework, students are learning salient clinical skills in Applied Behavior Analysis. Upon completion, students will be able to sit for a Registered Behavior Technician Certificate (RBT) through the Behavior Analysis Certification Board. The RBT is a nationally recognized certification that leads to many employment opportunities.

The Psychology program is proud to sponsor a new podcast titled Two Neurons Short of a Synapse. This bi-weekly podcast covers a variety of topics related to Psychology, and students in the program are able to submit topics to be covered in future episodes. While still relatively new, the podcast has been popular among students and alumni and is a way to learn more about Psychology outside of the classroom. Be sure to check out the podcast, which is currently available on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and get a sense of who the faculty in the program are and their interests.

William Jenkins
- Location
- South Hall 207
- Phone
- (207) 768-9457
- william.j.jenkins@maine.edu
Paul Johnson
- Location
- 206 South Hall
- Phone
- (207) 768-9455
- paul.e.johnson@maine.edu

EXPECT to Finish in Four
Psychology Program Offerings
What can you do with a degree in Psychology?
Next Step: Admissions
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