Welcome, Alumni and Friends!

No matter where your wings have taken you, UMPI Owls, we’re always glad to connect, catch up, and welcome you back to campus.  We know that once our UMPI Owls graduate, you spread your wings and soar to great heights. We’re asking you to share your stories with us–what you’re doing in your careers, how you’re making your communities better, and where you’re having adventures around the world.

We are always trying to keep our Alumni Records current, and we need your help. You can now update your contact information (mailing address, email, and phone)–it only takes a moment or two. We also want to know “Where have your wings taken you?” so submit your story and photo, and help us spread that Owl Pride!

Where have your wings taken you?

Stories and updates from our alumni.

Contact Us

Candace Elliott.

Candace Elliott

Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
Candace Elliott | LinkedIn 
(207) 768-9425