We are starting to plan the annual Snowy Owl Market (a Fall Craft/Vendor Fair) as part of the UMPI Homecoming Activities.

This year’s Snowy Owl Market will take place on Saturday, Sept. 14th from 9 am to 3 pm in Gentile Hall on the UMPI Campus. We are looking for Crafters/Vendors and UMPI Clubs/Organizations/Teams to join us for this fun event!! If you OR you know someone who might be interested in being part of this event, we would LOVE to have you!!

The cost of the booths will be $25 for a 10 x 10 space (for Alumni of UMPI, it would be $20 and for UMPI Clubs/Organizations/Teams, the booth booth would be free, need to fill out the form — see below). You would need to bring your own tables and chairs, but if you would like to rent a table, this is an extra $10.

Please fill out this form to reserve your space (please share, too)!

Contact Us

Candace Elliott

Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
Candace Elliott | LinkedIn 
(207) 768-9425