image Newsletter

Contact Us

image is a monthly publication of the University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Marketing and Communications office, and is distributed to members of the University community.

  • Rachel Rice, editor
  • Eric Brissette, webmaster
  • Rowena McPherson, graphics
  • Gayla Shaw, administrative assistant

Phone: (207) 768-9452
Fax: (207) 768-9608


Non Discrimination Notice

PIHS seeks host families for 2019-2020

The Presque Isle High School International Program is currently seeking host families for male and female international students from China. Homestay families fulfill the role of parents during the school year, provide living accommodations, meals, transportation, and other parental responsibilities.

Host families receive a stipend of $700 per month. On school days, breakfast and lunch are provided. Students will arrive at the beginning of August and remain until the end of the school year. Senior students typically depart around June 10 and juniors typically depart the last week of June. FMI or to obtain an application to be a host family, contact Melanie Junkins, International Student Coordinator at 207-768-1258 or email

Back — May 2019