Outing Club announces events for Spring 2014

posted in: Events, Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Outing Club is offering a series of spring adventures and activities for campus and community members to enjoy, including skiing, snowshoeing, a high ropes course, and outdoor rock climbing.

To kick off the season, the club is teaming up with the Student Activities Office to host Frozen Frenzy 2014 from Feb. 5 to 7. The celebration of fun winter activity includes ice sculptures on Feb. 5 from Noon to 3 p.m. at the UMPI flag circle, snowshoeing on Feb. 6 at 2 p.m.—participants should meet in the Outing Club office—and games and a visit from the L.L. Bean Bootmobile outside Wieden Hall from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Feb. 7.

The adventure continues on Tuesday, Feb. 11 with an afternoon of cross country skiing at Aroostook State Park. All equipment is available to be borrowed and no experience is required. Participants should arrive at 1:45 p.m. at Gentile Hall. UMPI students are free and the cost is $4 for non-students.

The club will lead an evening of snowshoeing at the Nordic Heritage Center on Thursday, March 20. Snowshoes and transportation will be provided for the first 10 participants. Participants should meet at Gentile Hall at 6 p.m. with a minimum of 4 participants to go. Cost is $4 for UMPI students and $6 for non-students.

From April 25-27, there will be an Association for Experiential Education Regional Conference. This will take place in Colebrook, Connecticut. More information about this special offering is coming soon.

On Thursday, May 1, there will be a high ropes course open house on campus from 3-6:30 p.m. Participants will have the chance to explore UMPI’s high ropes course and even try their skills on various parts of the course. This is a free event and no experience is required.

The Outing Club rounds out the semester with an Outdoor Rock Climbing trip to Acadia National Park on Saturday, May 10. The bus will depart Gentile Hall at 6 a.m. No experience is required. Cost is $40 for UMPI students and $50 for non-students. The rain date for the trip is Sunday, May 11.

For more information, please contact Amanda Baker between now and March 1 at amanda.g.baker@maine.edu. After March 1, please contact Dick Gardiner at richard.gardiner@maine.edu.