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UMPI celebrates Constitution Day

posted in: Events, Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Isle will celebrate the 222nd birthday of the signing of the U.S. Constitution with a special presentation on the First Amendment.

On Thursday, Sept. 17, from 11 a.m. to Noon, students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to observe Constitution Day by gathering in the University’s Campus Center for a panel discussion on the First Amendment followed by a question and answer session.

Leading the panel presentation will be President Don Zillman, a nationally known expert on constitutional law; Dr. William Davidshofer, Professor of Political Science at UMPI; and Dr. Brent Andersen, a political scientist and a lecturer at the University whose area of specialty is American government.

They will discuss the history of the amendment and how those rights have been exercised over the years, and talk about recent news events that illustrate how First Amendment rights are asserted and challenged today.

UMPI hosts management courses for the fall semester

posted in: Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Isle will be offering two courses this fall starting on Tuesday, Sept. 22 as part of its American Management Association’s certificate programs. The deadline for registration is Tuesday, Sept. 15.

These fall courses, part of a multi-course curriculum leading to Certificates in Management and Human Resources Management, are specifically created to meet the unique needs of working professionals who want to be more effective in their current positions and better prepared for future advancement, according to Keith Madore, campus AMA coordinator.

Breathe Writers Group to hold book signing at UMPI Bookstore

posted in: Events, Press Releases

Several Aroostook County writers who have gathered their work into the book Breathe, Volume 1 will be on hand for a book signing at the University of Maine at Presque Isle Bookstore from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16.

The writers featured in the book are regular members and friends of the Breathe Writers Group, which was established four years ago at the University. While the group has moved around to a few other locations, it is currently back on the Presque Isle campus as a University club and has about a dozen active members.

UMPI hosts annual Campus Club and Community Fair

posted in: Events, Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Isle will host its annual Campus Club and Community Fair on Wednesday, Sept. 16, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Campus Center.

For the past 14 years, the University of Maine at Presque Isle has kicked off the academic year with this event, which allows campus clubs and organizations to showcase and promote their groups to the student body and the community.

SAGE kicks off fall class offerings

posted in: Events, Press Releases

A University of Maine at Presque Isle program that serves local residents over 50 and believes in “learning for life” will host its fall kick-off with a luncheon event at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 10 in the Campus Center.

Seniors Achieving Greater Education [SAGE] has worked for more than a decade to bring short courses in arts, sciences, and specialty areas to the region’s senior community. SAGE is one of 16 senior colleges in the Maine Senior College Network, and the only one north of Orono.

UMPI, Maine Technology Institute take part in signing ceremony for $96,800 Maine Technology Asset Fund grant

posted in: Events, Press Releases

With the stroke of a pen, the University of Maine at Presque Isle officially became the recipient of a $96,800 Maine Technology Asset Fund grant from the Maine Technology Institute. The grant will help to fund construction of a state-of-the-art GIS and GPS laboratory on campus that will be used for both classroom instruction and for community training and services.

Maine Technology Institute President Betsy Biemann and UMPI President Don Zillman signed the grant contract during a short Thursday afternoon ceremony on the University campus.

“The University of Maine at Presque Isle is excited to receive these funds from the Maine Technology Institute, which will help us to establish this educational and training-oriented facility and meet the growing need for GIS and GPS services in our region,” President Zillman said. “The goal of a facility like this is to further community development and economic growth, and the University is proud to be taking this step forward for northern Maine.”

OAPI leads Carleton Project on outdoor climbing adventure

posted in: Events, Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Isle and the Carleton Project teamed up recently to take alternative high school students on an outdoor climbing adventure.

On Tuesday, July 14, the Carleton Project and officials from the University’s Outdoor Adventure Program International [OAPI] traveled to Clifton, Maine, for an outdoor climb at Eagle Cliff. The trip was both a way for Carleton Project students to get outside and enjoy some physical activity and also learn some important lessons about teamwork and decision making.

University announces 2009 graduates

posted in: Press Releases

Three hundred and forty-five students graduated from the University of Maine at Presque Isle during the 2008-2009 academic year. On Saturday, May 16, at 10:30 a.m. during the 2009 Commencement Exercises, the University’s 100th Commencement, President Donald Zillman conferred degrees upon 149 students who participated in the ceremony held in Wieden Gymnasium.

UMPI, area businesses and organizations team up to offer Second Annual “Music in the Park” Series

posted in: Events, Press Releases

Riverside Park in Downtown Presque Isle will once again be filled with music on Sunday afternoons this summer as the Second Annual “Music in the Park” Series returns from July 19 to August 9.

The free concert series, which attracted average crowd sizes of about 200 people per show last year, will include four consecutive shows this summer. Each Sunday afternoon performance will feature an opening act and a main act.

This year’s big-name acts are slated to include David Mallett, premier Maine singer-songwriter; Shamou, a Persian drummer and percussionist; Pat Pepin, a saxophonist, blues singer and band leader; and The Travis Cyr Project, a trio of folk musicians from Aroostook County and the Portland area. The concerts this year will run from 1-4 p.m. Food vendors will be on site offering snacks and drinks and people are encouraged to bring their lawn chairs and blankets with them to enjoy a relaxing Sunday afternoon at the park.