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Gift given in memory of Edward Doak

posted in: Press Releases

An Aroostook County family recently honored the memory of their father and grandfather, Edgar Doak – and his example of service to his community – with the donation of an electric scooter chair to the University of Maine at Presque Isle.

The scooter chair, valued at more than $5,400, will be made available to campus visitors as well as students, faculty, and staff who need mobility assistance in order to travel around campus. The chair will be kept in South Hall and signed out on a need-to-use basis.

Edgar Doak was born in Caribou and lived in Aroostook County for his entire life. He was 93 years old when he passed away this summer. Doak was well known to many through his work over the years as a farmer and with the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad. In retirement, he volunteered at Cary Medical Center, where he received honors for providing more than 1,500 hours of community service.

Dr. Wood presents special workshop in Denver

posted in: Press Releases

Dr. Bonnie Wood, Professor of Biology at the University of Maine at Presque, was recently in Denver, Colorado, to present a Special Workshop entitled Lecture-Free Teaching: A Learning Partnership between Science Educators and their Students at the 2009 Professional Development Conference of the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT). Each participant received a copy of Dr. Wood’s newly-published book of the same title (NSTA Press, 2009), the cost of which was included in the Special Workshop fee. The book was used as a workbook during the session.

Putnam presents on inclusive special education in Spain

posted in: Press Releases

An Education professor at UMPI recently was in Spain to present at the Global Conference on Inclusive Education, an event organized by Inclusion International, a global federation of organizations advocating for the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities worldwide.

Dr. JoAnne Putnam gave a presentation titled Teacher Education Program Models for Inclusion during the conference, which was held in Salamanca, Spain from Oct. 21-23. Inclusive education involves including students with special needs in the same educational arrangements as the majority of children through quality education and support for different styles and rates of learning.

UMPI to host GPS workshop, dedication of new GIS lab

posted in: Events, Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Isle will dedicate its new GIS laboratory, the Geospatial Information Technology Center this November, and host a GPS workshop in the same day.

Both the GPS workshop and the lab dedication will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 18 in Room 201 of Folsom Hall. The GPS workshop will take place from 9-11:30 a.m. and the lab dedication will take place immediately following the workshop. November 18th is World GIS Day, which is sponsored by the National Geographic Society, the Association of American Geographers, the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, the United States Geological Survey, the Library of Congress, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, and ESRI.

Composer Samuel Hazo to speak on music advocacy

posted in: Events, Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Isle brings to campus a musical composer whose work has been performed with Brooke Shields and James Earl Jones when it hosts Samuel Hazo as its third Distinguished Lecturer of the 2009-2010 academic year.

Mr. Hazo will speak at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 30 in the Campus Center about how music helps us all to become better students and citizens of the world during his talk “The New Face of Music Advocacy” – a message for music lovers, educators and community members alike. He will discuss the importance and the benefits of participating in music programs and in keeping music in schools and in our lives beyond school. All are invited to attend this free event.

UMPI Professor honors veterans with trips to Saipan, Guadalcanal

posted in: Press Releases

A professor at the University of Maine at Presque Isle has found a unique way to honor the veterans of World War II and ensure that their service to their country is never forgotten.

Each year without fail, Professor Anderson Giles makes at least one pilgrimage to the Pacific islands to participate in commemoration ceremonies, lead trips to historic battle sites, and preserve through film, photographs and interviews the history and stories of what happened there more than 60 years ago.

Braden Theater to host official film premiere on UMPI’s Wind Project

posted in: Events, Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s wind project will appear on the big screen for one night only when the Braden Theater hosts the official film premiere of Wind 101: The University of Maine at Presque Isle Builds a Wind Turbine on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 5-6:30 p.m.

The half-hour long, high definition film, directed by local videographer and filmmaker Frank Grant and narrated by long-time theater professor Joseph Zubrick, follows the step-by-step process it took for the University to complete this major renewable energy project – from the very first energy survey to the very last installation detail – and the bumps encountered along the way. This film also shows the work the University has done to turn this project into an educational opportunity for its students and the greater community.

The film premiere will include a social time with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar prior to the screening, which is set to begin at around 5:30 p.m. Following the film showing, there will be a short question and answer session with the filmmakers and University officials highly involved in the project.

UMPI to offer energy courses starting this spring

posted in: Press Releases

With its wind turbine spinning and lots of questions about renewable energy, the environment, climate change and sustainability in the air, the University of Maine at Presque Isle will offer during the Spring 2010 semester the first of many energy courses designed especially for those who want to understand these key topics and the issues surrounding them, and are thinking about becoming active players in the industry.

“We have made renewable energy and climate commitment top priorities at the University of Maine at Presque Isle and we are proud to make this initial offering of energy courses a very important part of the work we’re doing in this arena,” President Don Zillman said. “These are among the most important issues of our day and it’s going to take the involvement of many knowledgeable and dedicated people to meet the challenges we face. We anticipate that these courses will help to add more informed and committed individuals to the conversation.”

Koks honored during November reception

posted in: Events, Press Releases

The University of Maine at Presque Isle hosted a special reception on Nov. 3 – including the surprise unveiling of a granite table and benches in front of Wieden Hall – to honor two long-time members of the UMPI community for their decades of service.

Jan and Evelyn Kok came to UMPI in 1952 when it was known as the Aroostook State Teachers College to serve, respectively, as a music professor and a librarian. Jan Kok came to the school with a Master’s degree from Harvard University, and Evelyn Kok was trained as an artist and medical illustrator. During their many years working and living in northern Maine, the two touched many lives.