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Rachel Rice
12 Preble Hall
181 Main St.
Presque Isle, ME 04769

Phone: (207) 768-9447
Fax: (207) 768-9608


Northern Maine celebrates New Horizons Mission with run “at the speed of light”

On July 15, northern Maine will host the fastest run ever performed by humans: at “light speed” (186,000 miles per second) along the Maine Solar System Model. The run is being held in honor of the NASA New Horizons spacecraft which, after a nine-year voyage, will fly past and study Pluto in mid-July during the close encounter. As the first post-flyby images are returning to Earth at the speed of light on the morning of July 15, groups of runners will simulate the photo signal by running from Pluto to Earth along the Maine Solar System Model through the various small towns and villages in the rural northeast corner of the United States along U.S. Route 1.

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UMPI and RSU 39 sign expansive dual credit agreement

Partnership creates one of the most comprehensive dual credit opportunities between a County university and school district

Students at Caribou High School and Caribou Regional Technology Center will be able to earn credit toward both a high school degree and a Bachelor’s degree for nearly two dozen courses they take thanks to a unique new dual credit agreement signed by RSU 39 and the University of Maine at Presque Isle. With the ability for students to earn up to 63 credits toward a college degree, this partnership is one of the most comprehensive dual credit opportunities to be established between a University and a school district in Aroostook County.

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Employees honored during annual recognition event

The University of Maine at Presque Isle honored several employees for their years of service during the annual Employee Recognition Reception held on May 21. Twenty-three employees were recognized for their combined 315 years of service to the University. Employees were honored with various tokens of appreciation, from clocks to framed art.

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Ethelyn Boyd retiring after 44 years of service

If you’ve stopped by the President’s Office at the University of Maine at Presque Isle in the last two decades, then you were probably greeted with a smile and a friendly welcome by Ethelyn Boyd, the President’s Assistant. Boyd has been the heart of the office—a consistent and calming presence, and the one who keeps things humming smoothly—for the past 21 years. But this May will ring in the end of an era when Boyd retires after 44 years of service to the University.

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Mallard makes herself at home at UMPI’s Center for Innovative Learning

The University of Maine at Presque Isle is known as the Home of the Owls, but right now it’s playing host to a mother duck waiting for her nestful of eggs to hatch.

Of all the places the mallard hen could have selected for her nesting spot, she chose the flower box in front of the University’s Center for Innovative Learning [CIL]. University Library staffer Michelle Greene discovered the duck and her nest on May 1, when faculty, staff, and students were celebrating “UMPI Day” by cleaning up around campus.

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Soon-to-be UMPI graduate finishes what she started in 1971

Claudette LaBonte Kane laughingly says that the story of her life is that she starts things but never finishes them. But more than four decades after taking her first class at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, she will be completing her undergraduate experience by marching in UMPI’s Commencement Exercises on May 16 and receiving her Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree.

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UMPI hosts spring management courses

The University of Maine at Presque Isle will be offering two courses this spring beginning Tuesday, May 19, and Wednesday, May 20, respectively, as part of its American Management Association’s certificate programs. The course registration deadline is May 18.

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