Messages from the President

The 20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

Dear UMPI Community, On September 11, 2001, I was doing what a number of faculty and staff who are still here at UMPI, these twenty years later, were doing that very day—teaching class, at work in our offices and around campus, and otherwise doing the things we would normally do on a bright and clear…

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George Floyd and the Arc of the Moral Universe

Dear UMPI Community, On March 31, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated: “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.” Yesterday, April 20, 2021, a diverse jury in Minneapolis, comprised of seven women and five men, individuals who identified as white, Black, and multi-racial, from their…

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Standing With our Asian and Asian American Communities

Dear UMPI Community, When COVID-19 changed life on our campus, in our families and communities, and all across the United States just over a year ago, the Asian and Pacific Islander communities came under unfair attack, suffering hate crimes and bias incidents across the country.  This was encouraged by misinformation and bigotry.  In recent weeks,…

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Dear UMPI Students, There are a great number of “what am I thankful for?” posts and memes circulating on social media this year—both the posts and their responses are often particularly poignant and powerful in this year of such overwhelming loss, experienced simultaneously as it has been on a global and very local and personal…

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Veteran’s Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Dear UMPI Community, Tomorrow we celebrate Veteran’s Day and all of those who have served this nation honorably during times of conflict or in peacetime. Veteran’s Day originated as “Armistice Day” on Nov. 11, 1919– the very first anniversary of the end of World War I.  It falls on the 11th day of the 11th…

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Civility and UMPI

Dear UMPI Community, One of the cornerstones of a college’s ability to provide an education to individuals and their families is to offer education within a civil and safe environment.  More than anything else, UMPI has an obligation to provide such an environment to all of its students and extended community members as well as…

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UMPI’s Strategic Plan 2025

Dear UMPI Community, I am very pleased to share with you, today, our complete Strategic Plan 2025. As I note in its introductory letter, UMPI has been on a deliberate continuous improvement journey over the past five years, with ongoing work in areas ranging from organizational structure, to our campus culture, to our academic portfolio. …

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Weekend Greetings to the UMPI Community

Dear UMPI Community, This time of year brings the promise of renewal and rebirth, from the spring equinox of just three weeks past, to Easter and Passover, Vaisakhi and the Bengali and Tamil New Years, and the celebration of Lailat al Bara’ah.  As challenged and disrupting as these days and weeks have been, we wish…

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