Assessment is a critical component of the Teaching and Learning Process here at the University of Maine at Presque Isle.  In order to accurately and comprehensively assess the progress of our learners, we ensure that all academic courses and programs have established learning outcomes that are reviewed regularly.

All academic programs, including our General Education Curriculum, are required to create plans that incorporate assessment of student learning into a process of continuous improvement.  Assessment processes use both direct and indirect methods, gather and measuring data that comes from coursework, as well as incorporate analyses of student responses to surveys such as the National Survey of Student Engagement.  This work produces reports on all of our programs which are analyzed by faculty and administration leadership.  As a result, our faculty work constantly to develop their pedagogies, refine their learning objectives, and provide authentic assessments to our learners.

This evaluative process helps to ensure that UMPI programs meet and exceed national accreditation standards, constantly strive for academic excellence, serve as best practices for our accreditation requirements, and ensure that each of our students achieve their potential in our programs, whether on campus or at a distance, regardless of modality.

University Learning Outcomes

UMPI’s University level Learning Outcomes describe the foundation of our educational program through integrated curricular and co-curricular experiences.  Students are expected to illustrate mastery of these outcomes before graduation.  They provide us with the basis for ongoing assessment to continuously improve our teaching and learning.  These University Outcomes are integrated throughout our programs and support and extend the objectives of the General Education Curriculum.  All areas of the University are expected to support students’ development of the University Learning Outcomes.

Civic Engagement

Graduates understand the interdependence of social, economic, environmental, and cultural systems and use their education and personal experiences to positively impact society both locally and globally.


Graduates confidently inform, persuade, and engage others with civility in personal, academic, professional, and avocational environments. Graduates will listen, speak, read, and write effectively in a variety of contexts.

Creative and Aesthetic Engagement

Graduates create meaning and value from a broad range of diverse experiences within both natural and cultural environments, develop a willingness to explore new social and theoretical frameworks, and participate in various forms of experiential and/or artistic expression.

Information Literacy

Graduates determine when there is a need for information and are able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and ethically share that information for contemporary challenges in a technological world.

Personal Responsibility

Graduates identify, assess, and articulate personal skills, abilities, growth areas, and values by engaging different belief systems and self-reflection. Graduates will act in congruence with those values and assume responsibility for personal decisions.

Problem Solving

Graduates pose, identify, and define problems, innovatively integrate resources, and analyze situations to solve those problems. Graduates will implement improvements and solutions.

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