- Transferring students must provide official transcripts reflecting all previous post-secondary coursework.
- An evaluation of transfer credit will be prepared by the Transfer Officer for each accepted transfer student, and will be available in the student’s MaineStreet Student Center. The transfer student should meet with a Professional Academic Advisor at the receiving university to review how the transfer credit will be applied toward the student’s degree program. Transfer evaluations will be prepared based on the following principles:
- Within the University of Maine System: Undergraduate courses completed with a C- or higher, including P grades, will transfer from one UMS university to another. Grades will be recorded on the student’s transcript but not computed into the cumulative GPA.
- Outside the University of Maine System: Credit earned with a C- or higher in courses from regionally accredited colleges/universities outside the UMS will be considered for transfer. Pass-fail courses taken outside the UMS must have a “pass” defined as a C- or higher in order to transfer.
- Course grades do not transfer from one college/university to another. Semester and cumulative GPAs reflect only those courses taken at the home university. Students in cooperative degree programs should inquire about any exceptions that may apply.
- Coursework defined as developmental by the University to which the student is transferring will not be awarded degree credit. Developmental courses are considered preparatory to college-level work and will not count towards a degree.
- Courses from colleges and universities outside the United States will be accepted for transfer consistent with established university policies and practices.
- Credit may be awarded for high school Advanced Placement (AP) exams, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams, or college-level knowledge gained through life experience (e.g., Credit for Prior Learning, such as military or other training) when validated through the approved campus processes.
- UMPI may accept transfer credits from institutions that are not regionally accredited. Students who have completed courses or training at such institutions should first investigate whether the courses completed are recommended for transfer credit by the American Council on Education. If not, students may initiate the evaluation process by contacting their professional academic advisor. Students will be required to provide a description of the training/course, contact hours, instructor credentials, and a syllabus or training outline as supporting documents. The Provost must approve transfer credit from non-regionally accredited institutions. In no cases will the transferability of such courses be guaranteed. The documentation requirement will be waived if an evaluation of the course or training has already been completed and credit transfer approved within the last 5 years, provided that there have been no major changes to the training or course. Transfer credit will generally only be granted where a grade of C- or better (or equivalent) has been earned.
- If a student has concerns about the transfer evaluation, the student may appeal through the academic appeals process at the receiving university.
- Transfer students should consult the University’s catalog and/or meet with an appropriate advisor to determine requirements regarding the number and distribution of credits that must be completed at the university to earn the desired degree.
- Students must meet the established requirements of the academic program or college into which they are transferring. Transfer credits do not necessarily count towards these requirements.
- Students may also confer with their Professional Academic Advisor regarding possible flexibility in the application of their credits to their program, through approved campus processes.
- Current UMS students who plan to take courses at another university, inside or outside of the UMS, are strongly encouraged to seek prior approval of their plans from the university where they are matriculated.