Fall Housing Overview
Experience the vibrant campus life at the University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI) by applying for on-campus housing for the Fall 2025 semester. Living on campus provides convenient access to academic buildings, student services, and a supportive community to enhance your university experience.
Fall 2025 Housing Application Details
- Start Date: August 29, 2025
- End Date: Not Graduating: May 9, 2026 at 5PM | Graduating: May 11, 2026 at12PM
- Eligibility: Must be enrolled full time (Undergrad: 12 credits/semester | Grad: 6 credits/semester) unless final term or approved by student support services to under enroll in that semester.
- Costs: TBA after the Board of Trustees approves next year’s rates in July 2025.
Housing Application Timeline:
The 25-26 Academic Year Housing Contract opens on February 18, 2025. The application will remain open through December 18, 2025, provided we have available rooms. Please note that while the application remains open, there are a couple of dates that students must submit their housing application by in order to fully participate in the housing lottery to select their room and preferred roommate (if applicable).
- March 18, 2025: For All Students
- 2025-2026 Housing Application Opens
- Same Room Sign Up Form Opens (for eligible returners only; details below)
- Roommate Group Creation Opens (for instructions see below)
- March 7, 2025: Returners Only
- Same Room Sign-Up Form Deadline for eligible returning residents only.
- March 23, 2025: Returners Only
- Housing Application Deadline if you want to participate in the returner housing lottery on April 1st and 3rd. Our Office will be creating groups based on credit seniority for the applications we received. (If you have not submitted the application by this deadline, you can do so and select out of the remaining rooms at a later date).
- April 1, 2025 & April 3, 2025: Returners (and potentially some New Students)
- The Returner Housing Lottery will take place on April 1st and 3rd. Returning residents will receive their lottery selection date/time on March 24, 2025. Returners will be able to login to view the available rooms 1 week prior to their selection date and mark some rooms as favorites. They will not be able to select their actual room until their lottery time. A returner can choose to create a roommate group with another returner or a new student, provided the roommate also has their housing application submitted.
- June 1, 2025: New Students Only
- Housing Application Deadline if you want to participate in the New Student housing lottery on June 16, 2025. Our Office will be assigning lottery selection times based on the order we received the applications. (If you have not submitted the application by this deadline, you can do so and select out of the remaining rooms at a later date).
- June 16, 2025: New Students Only
- The New Student Housing Lottery will take place on June 16, 2025. New students will receive their lottery selection date/time during the first week of June. New Students will be able to login to view the available rooms 1 week prior to their selection date and mark some rooms as favorites. They will not be able to select their actual room until their lottery time.
- July 11, 2025: All Students
- Deadline to self-select room assignment and roommate (if applicable).
- July 12, 2025-December 18, 2025: All Students
- The Department will review remaining applications who have not selected their room or made their roommate group and will assign them a room assignment and roommate based on availability and preferences to the best of our ability.
Accessing Housing Application:
UMPI uses Erezlife housing software. Students need to log into the housing portal (https://umpi.erezlife.com/) using their UMS email and password. Once the application opens on February 18, 2025, UMPI students will be able to see the application under the “Recommended Actions” in the middle of the home screen or on the left “Housing” Tab. Please note that if you are a UMFK nursing student, please read the UMFK Housing Section below as your application process is slightly different than UMPI Students.
UMFK Students
UMPI will house UMFK students in our residence halls who are taking classes at UMPI. The application process for UMFK students involves one extra step. UMFK students who want to submit a housing application must log into the housing portal (https://umpi.erezlife.com/) using their UMS email and password.
As they are not UMPI students, this will create them a guest account. UMFK students must then email umpi-reslife@maine.edu requesting access to our housing application. Our office will create an application in their profile. UMFK students will then be able to go to the housing portal and complete/submit the housing application. UMFK students interested in a roommate will follow the same instructions above.
Housing Accommodations:
Students requesting housing accommodations (ESA, medical single, etc) must contact the Office of Disability Services’s Director Mary Kate Barbosa (mary.barbosa@maine.edu) to make the request. Her office has forms that must be completed by your medical provider and submitted to her office for review. The Office of Disability Services will notify the Residence Life Office of what accommodations are approved.
Selecting a Room Assignment or Roommate
For more information on selecting a room assignment or roommate, click the button below.
Questions: umpi-reslife@maine.edu.