Selecting your Room and Roommate

We understand that finding the right room and the ideal roommate is important for most residents. This section outlines how to select a room and roommate in our housing portal. 

Same Room Sign Up is only available for students whose room is remaining the same type in 2025-2026 as it is in 2024-2025 Academic Year. Current Residents can confirm if they are eligible by reviewing the Housing Maps posted in Emerson Hall Lobby. Returning residents requesting to keep their same room must first submit a housing application. Students can access the form by selecting the “Forms” tab on the left and then choosing the Same Room Sign-up Form. The Department will only accept the Same Room Sign-up Form from February 18, 2025- March 7, 2025.

Please note:

  • Medical Singles: In order to be eligible for same room sign-up for a Medical Single Room, the student must complete and be approved by the Office of Disability Services for the 25-26 AY by March 7th deadline. If approved after this date, the student will be able to select a medical single room out of the remaining open rooms.
  • Double/Double Plus: In order to request same room sign-up of a double or double plus room both students must first complete a 25-26 Housing Application and create a roommate group of 2 students before filling out this form. Roommates can be the same 2 current residents or if only one of those residents is remaining in the room and the other is leaving (moving off campus, graduating, picking a different room, etc), the remaining student can create a roommate group with another student.

Roommate Selection

The roommate selection process varies if you already know who you want to live with or if you are looking for a roommate. 

If you already know who you want to be a roommate, once both your applications are submitted, you can click on the “Roommate Group” tab on the left. You will need to select “Create new roommate group.” You will need to create a group name and enter your desired roommate’s email address. They will get an email asking if they want to be in the roommate group. They must say yes or the roommate group is not official.  When it comes time for the lottery, only one of the roommates need to submit the same room sign up form or select a room on their assigned lottery date/time. 

If a student wants a double/double plus room and does not already have a roommate in mind, you can search all other applications to try to find your best roommate pairing by using the RoomeeZ feature in the housing portal. Students must first submit their housing application. Then they need to select “My Roommate Profile” tab on the left, then select ‘turn on my profile’ and fill out the required fields on their Roommate profile.

Applicants can specify which of the available profile fields for searching they are comfortable sharing with potential roommates. ‘All applicants’ means it will be available for anyone who is searching for potential roommates. ‘My contacts’ is if it should only be viewable to other applicants once an applicant accepts a contact request from another applicant. Applicants may also decide to make certain profile fields ‘Private’ and not shared with anyone.

The last section, when making your profile, allows the applicants to provide any social media and contact information that they are comfortable sharing with other applicants to facilitate communication. These are only viewable by approved contacts.

Once an applicant has completed their Roommate profile and has turned it on, they will be able to access the Roommate search and Contacts menus.

Once the applicant sends a contact request, the other applicant will receive an email to log back in to approve the contact request. All contacts (current contacts, pending contact requests, and blocked contacts) are easily viewable from the Contacts menu.

Once you find someone you want to room with you can create a roommate group following the instructions above. 

Housing Lottery Instructions

The 25-26 Academic Year Housing Lottery allows students to make room and roommate selections in our housing system. Please note the dates of our Housing Lottery. Detailed instructions will be emailed to applicants as their lottery time approaches.

  • March 23, 2025: Returners Only
    • Housing Application Deadline if you want to participate in the returner housing lottery on April 1st and 3rd. Our Office will be creating groups based on credit seniority for the applications we received.
      • If you have not submitted the application by this deadline, you can still submit a housing application to self-select your room assignment and make roommate groups, if desired after 1:30 PM on April 3, 2025 through July 11, 2025.  
  • April 1, 2025 & April 3, 2025: Returners (and potentially some New Students)
    • The Returner Housing Lottery will take place on April 1st and 3rd. Returning residents will receive their lottery selection date/time on March 24, 2025. Returners will be able to login to view the available rooms 1 week prior to their selection date and mark some rooms as favorites. They will not be able to select their actual room until their lottery time. A returner can choose to create a roommate group with another returner or a new student, provided the roommate also has their housing application submitted. 
  • June 1, 2025: New Students Only
    • Housing Application Deadline if you want to participate in the New Student housing lottery on June 16, 2025. Our Office will be assigning lottery selection times based on the order we received the applications.
      • If you have not submitted the application by this deadline, you can still submit a housing application to self-select your room assignment and make roommate groups, if desired after 11:30 AM on June 16, 2025  through July 11, 2025.  
  • June 16, 2025: New Students Only
    • The New Student Housing Lottery will take place on June 16, 2025. New students will receive their lottery selection date/time during the first week of June. New Students will be able to login to view the available rooms 1 week prior to their selection date and mark some rooms as favorites. They will not be able to select their actual room until their lottery time. 
  • July 11, 2025: All Students 
    • Deadline to self-select room assignment and roommate (if applicable). 
  • July 12, 2025-December 18, 2025: All Students
    • The Department will review remaining applications who have not selected their room or made their roommate group and will assign them a room assignment and roommate based on availability and preferences to the best of our ability.

Contact Us

Housing and Residence Life

Emerson Annex
181 Main St.
Presque Isle, ME 04769

Phone: (207) 768-9587
Fax: (207) 768-9583