University of Maine at Presque Isle Campus Public Posting and Advertising Policy:
Below are guidelines related to public posting and advertising in any University of Maine at Presque Isle operated locations.

Public posting and advertising materials may include, but are not limited to: posters, flyers, bulletin boards, billboards, stickers, table tents, signs, placards, door hangers, banners, and decals.

Public areas include: any public space on campus including bathrooms, classrooms, hallways, lounges, outdoor spaces, etc. This also includes any public facing windows or doors that belong to a specific individual (residence hall or office doors/windows). Individuals are welcome to post items of personal preference and significance inside their residence hall room or office as long as they have the consent of anyone else who shares the space.

Glossary: The following terms are referred to within this document.

  • Fire retardant material: Materials that do not ignite readily or propagate flames under small to moderate fire exposures
  • Posted materials: Refers to any the specific materials under the purview of this policy as designated above
  • Poster: The individual or individuals directly responsible for the posting of materials within a public venue
  • Resident Assistant: Student who is responsible for supervising and assisting other students who live in the residence halls
  • Sponsoring group: Any group, internal or external to UMPI, responsible for the content of posted materials and the actions of individual posters


  1. All posted materials must include contact information of the sponsoring group or individual. Posted materials missing the sponsor’s information will be taken down immediately; all replacements will be made at the poster’s expense.
  2. In observance of fire code guidelines, no materials should be posted in windows without approval from campus administration.
  3. The UMPI campus has approved locations across campus for public postings and advertisements. Prior to posting any materials, individuals should contact the Marketing and Communications office to ensure guidelines are observed.
  4. In general, materials should not be posted on painted walls. However, if given special permission to affix postings to a painted area painter’s tape must be used to avoid damages.
  5. No materials should be posted on the private doors of residence halls or offices without the consent of the occupant of the space. The only exception to this rule is name placards on offices from the Marketing and Communications Office or door decorations with residents’ names placed on a residence hall door by the Resident Assistant (RA) of that floor. Residents may remove such door decorations upon notification of their RA of such a preference.
  6. All postings that advertise or are defined by specific dates (example: an event occurring at a specific day and time) should be removed as soon as the event(s) is complete. It is the responsibility of the posters to remove advertisements in a timely manner.
  7. Specific bulletin boards on campus are designated for the exclusive use of certain offices or programs; others are open for public postings. Before posting something on a bulletin board, individuals should confirm that it is a board open for public postings. Postings hung on specified (non-public) boards may be summarily removed.
  8. For any other posting or advertising related questions, please contact the UMPI Marketing and Communications Office.

Last updated: August 30, 2024
Approved 9/4/2024, President Raymond Rice