What is Social Work? Are you someone who wants to create positive change and make a difference in the lives of individuals, families, groups, and communities? Then the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at UMPI is an ideal choice. A broad profession with a wide range of job opportunities, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited BSW program at UMPI equips future social workers to serve their communities, address social problems, and promote empowerment through the use of responsive, strength based and ethical social work practice. Most importantly, a social work degree is recognized nationally and internationally as the choice for organizations seeking social work professionals.

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Program Highlights

BSW Program Mission

Our BSW program mission is to prepare students for professional and generalist social work practice. Our program is committed to promoting the well-being, growth and empowerment of all individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizational systems.

Program Options

Our program options and formats provide optimal flexibility to meet the needs of a variety of schedules and learning needs. Our hybrid option combines in- person instruction and online instruction, either live or remote. Our online option provides a blend of synchronous zoom classes and fully remote coursework. These options provide students with a range of options to meet all of their scheduling and learning needs.

Job Ready

UMPI provides support with career readiness, such as resume writing, preparing for an interview, and graduate school applications. With supervised field placement experiences, our students are well-prepared for jobs in Social Work. Many students get employed at their field sites, and are hired before they graduate.

Canadian Students

If you are a Canadian student, our program offers many advantages. These include convenience and affordability. Canadian students do not pay extra fees, and this BSW program is conveniently located close to the Maritime provinces and also offers a fully online program option for students who are not able to travel to campus.

Empowerment Focus

The primary mission of Social Work per the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is to enhance human well-being and empower people who are vulnerable and oppressed. Social workers provide advocacy and support to marginalized communities.

Transfer Students

Our BSW program regularly welcomes transfer students from a variety of educational backgrounds. If you are transferring from a community college, be sure to ask us about articulation agreements we have with a variety of educational institutions in Maine and Canada.


Our Bachelor of Social Work Program is fully accredited by the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). This accreditation meets the eligibility requirements for State of Maine licensure to become a Licensed Social Worker (LSW) as well as licensure in other states and registration/licensure in Canada.

Students graduating with a BSW degree from UMPI also meet the requirement for certification as a Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician (MHRT). Refer to www.maine.gov for more information about this certification.

Council on Social Work Education logo
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EXPECT generous scholarships

BSW Program Mission

Our BSW program follows a generalist model, which means as a graduate, you are able to work in a multitude of social work settings and positions. This format utilizes a person-in-environment framework, honors the unique needs and backgrounds of all communities, and emphasizes culturally responsive practice that respects individual differences. Our program also utilizes a strength-based perspective as well as knowledge based on scientific inquiry as the means to master competencies needed to practice social work ethics, values, and skills.

Hybrid and Online Program Options

The UMPI BSW program provides two options to accommodate differing schedules and learning needs. These include a hybrid program format and an online program option.

Hybrid Program Format: For students looking for some in-person instruction, the hybrid program format offers students a blend of in person and online coursework.

Online Program Format: The online program option is designed to meet the needs of students who are not able to come to the UMPI campus. This option provides some coursework in a synchronous format where students join classes via zoom, and some coursework that is asynchronous or offered in a remote format.

EXPECT an education tailored to your needs

Job Ready

UMPI’s Social Work program enriches the student’s learning experience by offering one optional 200-hour field practicum during the Junior year, and one required 500-hour field practicum in the Senior year. These practicum experiences can be completed within the students’ community or region. These field placements allow students the opportunity to practice foundational social work skills in the community under the guidance of a field instructor or liaison who has a minimum of a BSW with 2-years of experience. Many students find their field placement very rewarding and often gain employment prior to graduation. In addition, UMPI provides career readiness support for students to help secure employment before graduation.

Canadian Students

Our BSW program offers options for Canadian students that have not completed a Bachelor in Social Work or who have earned a college degree and want to return to school to get their social work degree. In fact, bachelor degree holders can complete our BSW program in as little as 18-24 months. Our program also offers field placements in Canada at university-approved locations, and students have the option of completing 500-700 field education hours. The UMPI Social Work program is also accredited by CSWE and therefore is recognized by the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW).

Empowerment Focus

Per the National Association of Social Workers and the Canadian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, we value social change efforts on issues such as poverty, unemployment, discrimination, and access to service. As social workers, we strive to ensure information, services, and resources are available to all populations, and opportunities are available to the communities we serve. Social workers are attentive to environmental and societal factors that impact others, and we advocate for all groups. As social change agents, social justice is a core value in social work.

Transfer Students

If you are a transfer student, we know the knowledge you bring can enrich your learning! The Admissions staff and BSW program faculty will work with you to develop a degree plan that fits your prior coursework and the BSW program requirements. The agreements the program has in place with other regional colleges, including with the Northern Maine Community College and the New Brunswick Community College systems, makes transferring even easier–just ask us about them.


Individualized Attention

At UMPI, we’re with you from start to finish. Beginning with your application to UMPI, an admissions specialist will assist you with your application questions and concerns. Once admitted, they will ensure you are linked with the BSW program and academic advising. All BSW students are assigned a BSW faculty advisor who will guide you throughout your time in the social work program. To further assist you, professional advisors and success coaches are available to help you to stay on track throughout your social work education journey and achieve your academic goals.

Global Awareness and Service Learning

Helping our students learn and practice the connections between global and local social work are important components of our program. Thus, our generalist focus includes knowledge and skills of international and culturally relevant practice. Offering service learning activities locally and globally, provides our students with valuable educational experiences. These opportunities also assist students in developing competencies for global and intercultural practice, human rights advocacy, and understanding the importance of environmental justice.

Future Careers

Social work provides vast opportunities for future careers. Social workers address the needs of individuals from birth to death. They practice in a variety of settings, such as mental health and substance use clinics, public and private schools, hospitals/clinics, nursing homes, and for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and daycare and preschool settings. They serve individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations. At UMPI, students are trained as generalist practitioners and learn skills in a wide range of activities, roles, and responsibilities. BSW students can function as educators, advocates, community organizers, researchers, policy analysts, case managers, supervisors, and administrators.

Get Involved

Our program has an active student organization open to all students interested in the field of social work. The Student Organization for Social Work (SOSW) provides students with opportunities to learn about the career of social work, participate in social work related educational and community service projects, attend social work conferences, and other state-wide events. The SOSW also maintains four food pantries on the UMPI campus for students who are food insecure. Joining SOSW provides an effective avenue for students to not only to get involved but also meet others with similar interests and commitment to service.

Ethical Practice

An important foundation of social work education and practice is learning the values and ethics of the social work profession and how to demonstrate social work behaviors that are consistent with the social work profession. Because of the importance of learning ethical practice, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics and the Canadian Social Work Code of Ethics are taught in our curriculum. Through attendance at conferences and/or webinars, students have many opportunities to learn and implement social work values and ethics.

Professional Practice Preparation

At UMPI, BSW students engage in an immersive social work practice. Throughout the program, students will engage in role-playing, case scenarios, and social work community organizations practicing and developing skills. With the support of community based agencies, students will have experiential learning opportunities in their communities to practice generalist social work skills. The BSW program is designed to enhance the student’s skills with quality feedback from their instructors. Students will practice skills in the classroom to then implement in their practicums.

Field Practicum Sites & Important Documents

Field Practicum Sites

  • Aroostook Area Agency on Aging
  • Mi’kmaq Nation
  • Aroostook County Action Program
  • Northern Light AR Gould
  • Aroostook Mental Health Center
  • Area Schools
  • Hope and Justice Project
  • Central Aroostook Association
  • Congressional offices
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Houlton Regional Hospital
  • Tobique First Nation: Child and Family Services
  • New Brunswick Association of Social Workers
  • New Brunswick Social Development
  • and more

Additional Program Information

Bachelor of Social Work Program Guide (DOCX)
The guide describes the philosophy, the requirements and the operation of the BSW program.

Bachelor of Social Work Field Practicum Manual (DOCX)
The manual describes the requirements and expectations of the senior field practicum.

Personal Statement Form (DOC)
The form to be filled out and returned to the Director of BSW program before admission to the program.

ASWB Licensure Exam
When you take the ASWB Licensure Exam, please enter UMPI BSW code 291100. The score is anonymous and used to assist the program with assessment. Need a study guide? We’d recommend Social Work ASWB Bachelors Exam Guide by Dawn Apgar. Publisher: Springer.

Application Process Overview

How do I Apply to the UMPI Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program? All undergraduate applications can be submitted through the UMPI Admissions Office. UMPI has rolling admissions so applications are accepted throughout the year.

What if I am transferring to UMPI? Transfer students are welcome! Please email and schedule a zoom meeting with the BSW program director, Beverly Wagner beverly.wagner@maine.edu, should you have any questions or need further information about the program.

What if I am an undergraduate student enrolled at UMPI? When you complete the first 4 semesters of the UMPI BSW curriculum, please complete and submit the Personal Statement Form together with your resume and two references to the BSW program.

Where can I find additional information on the program? If at any point you have questions or would like more information on the program and would like to schedule a zoom meeting to learn more, please contact the social work department:

Beverly Wagner
Campus Address: 312 South Hall
Phone: 207-768-9427
Email: beverly.wagner@maine.edu


Jean Cashman

Assoc Prof of Social Work
Photo of Brian Day

Brian Day

Adjunct Faculty, Lecturer I
Lori Deschaine

Lori Deschaine

Adjunct Faculty, Lecturer II
photo of Vivienne Mitchell

Vivienne Mitchel

Part-Time Faculty (YourPace)
Photo of Shawna Traugh

Shawna Traugh

Assistant Professor of Social Work and Director of Field Education
Photo of Wagner, Beverly

Beverly Wagner

BSW Program Director, Assistant Professor of Social Work
312 South Hall
(207) 768-9427

If you have any questions for the Social Work Faculty, please email Beverly Wagner at beverly.wagner@maine.edu or by phone at 207-768-9427.

EXPECT to Finish in Four

Social Work Program Offerings

The UMPI bachelor of social work program prepares graduates to help people address and cope with everyday and complex problems. Social workers work in a range of environments such as hospitals, mental health centers, schools, or community agencies. Thus, coursework is focused on assisting graduates to gain competencies to address complex situations. This includes practice courses focused on developing skills, knowledge based courses to understand theories used in social work practice, as well as an emphasis on ethics and ethical practice, guided by the NASW Code of Ethics.

The human services minor provides coursework for students interested in working in the human services sector in settings such as public assistance programs, healthcare organizations, or not for profit human services. Coursework includes courses complementary to other majors such as behavioral and social science, business, criminal justice and psychology.

This certificate allows individuals who are planning to provide community support services in positions funded by the Department of Health and Human Services and MaineCare to meet the special training mandates required by the State of Maine for certain public welfare positions. All students who graduate with a BSW from UMPI also have met the requirements for the MHRTC/C.

The Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician Community Certification (MHRT/C) is an important certification for anyone who wishes to work in the mental health field. In the state of Maine, individuals planning to provide community support services in positions funded by the Department of Health and Human Services and MaineCare (formerly Medicaid) must meet specific knowledge competencies offered through the certification. The MHRT/C certification program is competency based, enabling those with a variety of backgrounds who have appropriate education, work experience and training to earn certification.

A certification in Human Services provides students with general knowledge and skills to work in a diverse range of human and social service organizations. Students develop foundational knowledge and skills to address individual and family issues, and strengthen connections between individuals, family members, and/or members of the community. When taken together with the required MHRT/C certification courses, students need only take SWK 236 Psychosocial Rehabilitation to complete both certifications.

Students who are interested in child welfare are eligible to apply for a senior field placement with the Field Instruction Unit (FIU) at the Department of Health and Human Services. Here is information for this placement.

The FIU prepares social work students for successful careers in public child welfare. The training will increase casework retention and effectiveness, thereby improving outcomes for children and families in Maine. This placement includes a stipend and the training you need to be eligible for a Child Protective Services position on graduation.

What can you do with a degree in Social Work?

Next Step: Admissions

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